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My new novel Descendant of the Elders is coming out in 2 weeks, and it has a sickle cell warrior

I’m excited to finally announce that my new book Descendant of the Elders will be released on March 26th. It will be available first on Amazon, in Kindle and paperback formats. Shortly after, it will be available for wide distribution at booksellers worldwide and in alternate eBook formats.

Descendant of the Elders follows the adventures of Brandon Wardson in a futuristic setting. Brandon suffers from sickle cell anaemia, which gives him chronic pain and physical limitations. After feeling alienated from normal, healthy people on Earth, Brandon wanted to escape to the Milky Way. He joined the Galactic Alliance space program because being a space marine is the cheapest ticket off of Earth.

After becoming one of the youngest Sergeants in the Alliance, Brandon is sent on a classified mission to locate some missing marines. One of these marines is Natalya Carrick—Brandon’s ex-girlfriend—and another is Jonathan Flurwick.

While in search of clues to these missing marines, Brandon finds himself lost in the mystical world of Relaun, a place Brandon never knew existed. He quickly learns that someone he knows is in search of a lost power that will allow them to overthrow the Galactic Alliance government in the Milky Way.

While stranded in Relaun, Brandon must gather allies to contest the threat and find a way home back to the Milky Way. All while sustaining his chronic pains and physical limitations.

You can find out more about Descendant of the Elders here.

Please also register for my mailing list to get all future updates about Descendant of the Elders and the Realm Blender series.

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I’ll also be releasing a novella called Starfade the same day, which is also part of the Realm Blender series. Read about it here.

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