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The Battle For Self Discipline

These days I’m a busy person. At any given time I have at least 10 things to do. This becomes very difficult for me because I’m a person who values their personal time, in which I usually use to play video games, read books or watch rap battles. It’s not just about pleasure, it’s more about having time to fuel my creativity with the things I enjoy.

However, like any person I get addicted to the pleasure these forms of entertainment give me. Once that happens all my self discipline goes out the window. It usually takes me a few days for me to get motivated again to pick up on my targets.

I’m currently doing Web Development for a living, so of course it’s mandatory that I make time to work on that daily if I want to get paid. My other projects such as video game blogging, book writing, content production and promoting the Geek Supply brand are all tasks that I must fit into my life outside my main source of income.

I keep telling myself that if I spend at least an hour on each project a day I’ll make significant progress, but after all I’m only human. It get’s very difficult to focus on each and everyone of these side projects after completing a full day of Web Development.

But then I hear of other entrepreneurs such as Greg Selkoe working non-stop with hardly any sleep. Fully grinding towards their dreams. This gets me inspired to do the same. In the end it all ends up being a war with the mind.

It is my personal belief that Self Discipline can solve almost anything. Got an addiction? Procrastinating on a project? Depressed about a girl? Self Discipline is the number one medicine for you. If you can control your mind then you can do anything you set your mind to.

It sounds easy right? It’s really not. It literally is a battle to become disciplined. Many people have parents who understood this and they grew their children with this in mind. Some use religion as a platform to build their self discipline, but this also comes with a strict set of rules. For somebody like me who never had a father around to teach me the values of self discipline, I have to look to other icons and role-models to preach self discipline to me.

People like 50 Cent, Anthony Frasier, Gerard Williams and Eric Hamilton and other successful entrepreneurs keep me focused. But I can’t always look to them to help me stay disciplined, I need to build up my own self motivation.

Thinking about the future often scares me, and usually this fear is what gives me the motivation to keep grinding.

What keeps you motivated?

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