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What Am I Reading 20th February 2011

Since my birthday in December I have been enjoying the use of the Kindle E-reader. I was in the hospital for a while through January and the Kindle was like my savior the whole time. During that time I read “What You See Is What You Get” which is the biography of Alan Sugar, this was a very great read for anyone interested in Alan Sugar, The Apprentice TV show or business enterprise.

Since I’ve been home I have been reading a couple different things, such as books based at authors and various novels. If you are an aspiring author like myself I recommend checking out “Your Writing Coach: From concept to character, from pitch to publication” by Jurgen Wolff and “Nail Your Novel” by Roz Morris.

As far as novels my taste has been very broad. During my time in hospital I came across a Kindle bargain in the form of Sherlock Holmes. I bought the whole collection for 70p which includes the four full novels based on Holmes adventures, plus the full collection of short stories. Sherlock Holmes is undoubtedly a timeless piece of literature, and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s writing style is delightful to read in this day and age. I am currently only on the second novel but this collection is one that I will savour for a while yet.

Going on a complete 180, I read an urban gangsta trilogy named “The Cartel” written by young black authors Ashley and Jaquavis. I give these guys respect because they know how hustle writing books. However building up a story only to say at the end “It was all a figment of her imagination” is a huge waste of time, money and effort on the readers behalf. That was one thing I was very disappointed with them for.

A very deep book from the same genre as “The Cartel” is “The Coldest Winter Ever” written by Sister Souljah. This book was recommended to me a long time ago and I just got around to reading it now. I am around 11% in and it is a lot deeper than most books written for that niche audience.

Overall that’s what I have been reading lately. Look out for an article on how the Kindle has affected my reading soon.

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